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The gift every major retailer needs this Christmas is Mobiecom, a mobile-first, responsive storefront for IBM Watson Commerce!

With retailers continuing to struggle in the age of Amazon, every competitive edge counts. One area Amazon especially excels at, and retailer can’t ignore, is mobile. While in the past keeping up with Amazon has seemed impossible, Mobiecom can catch you up with the competition almost as fast as it can load a page (.0XX seconds)!

Why focus on Mobile?

Purchases on mobile devices now make up 27% of all retail revenue in the US. Even more impressive, mobile shoppers have double the Average Order Value (AOV). To ensure retailers don’t loses sales to their more mobile-friendly competitors, they must invest in a mobile-first, responsive UI Storefront with fast load times.

But why Responsive Design?

Brian Rashid of outlines “5 Essential Reasons You Should Be Using A Responsive Website Design Now.”

  1. Increased Traffic from Mobile Users (Duh!)
  2. Lower Cost and Website Maintenance vs maintaining multiple sites for different devices
  3. A Seamless User Experience on all devices
  4. Adapts Easily to Any Screen Size
  5. Improves your SEO Efforts (Google is now penalizing if you’re not mobile friendly)

Mobiecom nails all of these. Not only is Mobiecom built from scratch using Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix’s favorite new coding stack – React.js, it’s mobile-first, responsive design is also transforms your storefront to a fast loading single page app.

Not ready to go Christmas shopping yet? Here is a little stocking stuffer from us to you: How to Future-Proof your IBM Commerce Store, while Boosting Conversions

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